We bring together leading clinics, diagnostic and biomarker experts, technology innovators, product and services providers as well as end-users of longevity services
We bring together leading clinics, diagnostic and biomarker experts, technology innovators, product and services providers as well as end-users of longevity services
Longevity Clinics Network

Longevity is a rapidly growing sector offering a range of opportunities for existing and new companies to find their niche and add value in a rapidly evolving ecosystem. Both the business and investment communities have recognized that this is one of the largest and fastest growing markets in the world, which is still undervalued as a sector.
Our Focus Areas
Why do we age? What are the current trends in research and technology leading to an increase in healthy life span?
Scientists all over the world are developing technologies to prevent and possibly reverse aging as a root cause of all age-related disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer.
What can we do today to optimize our health and vitality, leading to an increase in healthy life span?
What are some of the lifestyle and technological solutions to help us follow and monitor our healthy habits leading to healthier, more productive and rewarding lives.
How will changing demographics impact our world? How can we benefit from the longevity dividend?
Exploring the economic, financial, technological and social opportunities and challenges resulting from the current demographic shift, decreasing birth rate and increased healthy life span.
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We partner with international companies and organizations, enthusiasts of healthy lifestyle and best practices to foster greater public awareness leading to healthy longevity.