
With the vast amounts of literature published on Longevity, we are continuously highlighting books that stand out and best represent the sector.

If you have any additional recommendations, feel free to contact us with your thoughts.

The Longevity Paradox

Dr. Steven Gundry

The Longevity Paradox puts the desire to live longer side by side with the dreaded fear of age-related diseases and points to the microbiome button that enables a seamless transition into a “ripe old age”. Dr. Gundry lays out an approach to aging through a nutritional lifestyle plan that focuses on coddling our internal microorganisms - this knowledge having been acquired from his experience as a surgeon for decades.

Super Ager

Elise Marie Collins

An inspiring but also a practical guide to optimal aging by Elsie Collins and Cate Stillman. How does physical movement, diet or fasting prevent disease and decrease and reverse the symptoms of illness and impact our longevity? How can we radically change our mindset to embrace our aging, enjoying the process and be proud of what wisdom we have to share? This book presents a mix of Eastern philosophy, Western science, and personal experiences focusing on aging gracefully in our modern world.

The Healing Power of Mindfulness

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness books are exploding in popularity in Western culture, and it can be hard to know where to start. Jon Kabat-Zinn approaches the subject from the point of view of how mindfulness can help you with healing. He explains what we know about neuroplasticity and the brain, how meditation can affect our biology and our health, and what mindfulness can teach us about coming to terms with all sorts of life challenges, including premature aging.

Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine

Dr. Lee Know

Mitochondria are the “energy factory” of our body. Their job is to process oxygen and convert substances from the foods we eat into energy. Mitochondria produce 90 percent of the energy our body needs to function. This book by Lee Know provides a great base to understanding how our mitochondria work, and how it is possible to add years to our lives and life to our years by understanding the process. What is the connection between mitochondrial health and aging? Why does cancer develop? What is the connection between heart or kidney failure and Alzheimer's disease or dementia? Can we extend life span, and if so, how? What is the importance of physical activity in mitochondrial health?

The China Study

Dr. T. Colin Campbell

Based on one of the largest international health studies ever conducted; the relationship between diet and the issues of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer is clearly defined. Common knowledge handed down through generations of lobby groups, governments and nongovernmental bodies has led to a preponderance of misinformation which this book dispels. Through the data gathered in this extensive study, Drs. Colin and Thomas M Campbell II (father and son) untangle misconceptions, erroneous information, and health myths through medically backed and tested evidence of the benefits of plant-based diets and highlight their positive impact on the diseases mentioned previously. As the science behind this book is continuously revised and expanded - the reader is given the most up-to-date information on today’s ever-growing awareness of plant-based nutrition.


Dr. John B. Arden

An exploration of the ways the immune system, epigenetics, affect regulation, and attachment intersect in mental health. Dr. John Arden believes integration between healthcare and psychotherapy is the only path toward optimal health in the 21st Century. An insightful introduction on how successful psychotherapy and the modification of feedback loops can support and promote the reregulation of immune system functions, nutrition, microbiome (gut bacteria), sleep, physical inactivity, emotion and stress management.

How Not to Die

Dr. Michael Greger, Gene Stone

Tackling the widest collection of diseases and illnesses with the healthiest foods that negate their existence - this book is the be-all and end-all of dietary guides. The philosophy of fruit, vegetable and grain-based regimes is thoroughly explained with a selection of succulent recipes served on the side. Reviewed and strongly recommended by today’s who’s who in nutrition, healthy lifestyle and longevity - this book is a must-read.

The Longevity Code

Dr. Kris Verburgh

The Longevity Code brings us up close and personal into the latest science and technology used to dampen and even reduce the issue of aging. Dr Verburgh’s thorough understanding of the latest research in longevity makes these complex subjects easily digestible for nonscientific readers.

The Longevity Economy

Joseph Coughlin

The Longevity Economy traces through the forecasted wants and needs of the aging population while debunking the traditional notions of what businesses held to be self-evident truths. Mr Coughlin, who teaches and directs the department at the MIT AgeLab, shares the relevant insight he has thoroughly gathered over the past decades of how society’s shift in age along the demographic curb is a marker for new opportunities that businesses need to embrace quickly - if they seek to ride the wave rather than get sucked into the undercurrent of conventional thought.

The Beautiful Cure

Professor Daniel Davis

Our immune system is the underlying foundation that keeps our structure intact - and this book shows where we, in our quotidian, are given opportunities to strengthen or weaken it. Professor Davis clues us in on how our immune system works and is affected by stress, sleep, age, and our state of mind.

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